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Friday, September 21, 2012

Z-z-zi...os Mask?

Hiya! This is Mr. Kitty, filling in for Crunchy and Katgoo! Today's new item is the best I've seen all week, not that I've been here really! You can find it in Meow- er, Epic Wonders.
Um... Some creepy dude apparently named.... Zios? Wow, no offence but he's not very, well, you get the point.
-walks in- Ok, that's it Mr. Kitty. You're fired! The new item of the day is....
Oh wait, Mr. Kitty already posted about it. -reads post-
Hey, what's this about the brave Sky Father Zios not being.. well, you know. Let's forget about that.  In my opinion this is super epic and amazing! Very Jamaasian and cool! If only we could change the color. And they could've made it just a tad cheaper. Like 1,000 or 2,000 gems. And its member. But let's hope for an NM Zios artifact tomorrow! Your thoughts?
There is also a post on the Daily Explorer about these cool new shirts for sale:

New Shirts For Sale!

by , under AJ Outfitters

The wait is finally over, Jammers: new shirts are for sale at Animal Jam Outfitters!
A while ago, AJHQ asked Jammers to vote on their favorite shirt designs. Jammers from all over cast their votes and the winning designs are: Dolphin TricksPrancing Ponies, and the super-popular Wolf Pack!
These new shirts are available at Animal Jam Outfitters, the place to go for all your Animal Jam needs! So head to today to get your very own shirt, and be sure to check back soon for cool new Animal Jam items!

And a News Crew Assignment:

News Crew Assignment — Being A Good Jamaa Citizen!

by , under News Crew

The Daily Explorer News Crew is a great way to get the inside scoop about Jamaa, and now it’s time for your next assignment!
With millions of Jammers from all over the world playing Animal Jam, it is important to keep Jamaa a fun and peaceful place for everyone. We want you to prepare a report on being a good Jamaa citizen!
Your assignment is to write an article about what being a good citizen of Jamaa means. What do good citizens do? How do they treat other Jammers? What can they do to make Jamaa thebest place it can be?
Remember, thousands of Jammers read the Daily Explorer, so make sure your post isinformativeappropriate, and most of all, fun!
Submit your entries through Jammer Central in Jamaa Township. Make sure they are under 250 words long, and be sure to include a screenshot of monkeys in Jamaa that goes along with your article! (To learn how to take a screenshot, click here.)
All News Crew entries are due by Tuesday, October 2nd. And remember: any article that is inappropriate, is over 250 words long, or doesn’t have a picture cannot be considered for the News Crew.
Now go and have fun reporting!

 I'm super tired, so unfortunately the the Video of the Week will be posted tomorrow. And I apologize for a late post! Contest and/or party coming up in a few days guys! Keep your eyes peeled!

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