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Hiya! Wanna hear some Animal Jam quotes from other Jammers or send in one? If you said yes, then you've come to the right place! You may comment with a quote here and I'll put it up! And since I'm too lazy to make rules, :P, here are some rules copied from xXFreeSpiritXx's blog!
  • Make sure it is positive
  • It can be advice
  • Don't be mean
  • Don't have the comment against anyone

Once you comment, I'll post your quote on here!
(I have chosen to give credit to xXFreeSpiritXx's Animal Jam Freedom for the change of plans. I
Well, go ahead, send it in!

"THE WALRUS ATE MY TACO!" -Tigertaco2011

"go for the good, never for the worst keep on goin', never go first" (basically it's an inspiring message not to scam) ~Snowflake Articcloud


  1. actually you gramaticly incorrect my saying actually happens to be " THE WALRUS AT MY TACO!" so as you ssee you are incorrect - teh rather geeky tigertaco2011 8| *pushes up glasses*

  2. Uh..Tiger? What are you trying to say?
    ~katgoo449 the wizard/KittyinBowTie

  3. meh saying ish " the walrus ate my taco!™" 8I not teh snowy claw one lawlz .-.

  4. " go for the good, never for the worst keep on on goin', never go first"
    my quote tells to avoid scamming ;)
    oh and i think tigertaco means caps lock it

  5. I like your blog,its pretty cool.The good thing is at least you give CODES!


Hey! Wanna comment? Great! Just follow these simple rules!
● No blackmailing
● No cursing/cussing/swearing
● No being racist or inappropriate
● No begging or making false claims about someone
And please don't comment just to advertise your blog!
If you fail to do so, expect to face the wrath of THE GREEN GOBLIN!!!!! BWA HA HA HA!!!!! >:D

That is all. Tee hee hee! (^•ω•^)ノ