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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sea Turtle Submersible and New Story Blog

Yo! Today AJ has brought us quite a creative furniture item...
Neat-o! Underwater, ughh. Count me out of buying this.    
Not much else to say, except that I have created a new story blog called Legacy!
It involves magical creatures and birds, so if you are interested in reading it  please Click here! You can also learn more about the main characters, and there are character sign-ups available now!

Here is more information about the story's plot:

The Fern Village has been serene for many moons, until one horrific night when a terrible forest fire annihilates their forest home, leaving behind burned bodies and piles of ash. But this was no average forest fire...
How were the flames ignited in the first place?
Was it the wind? A scavenger? Fire Sages? Folium "the prisoner"? If so, was Sheto involved?
Or was it something else...

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That is all. Tee hee hee! (^•ω•^)ノ