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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Flower Glasses

Ello! Today you can find these new Flower Glasses in Jamaa Township!
Eh, not really my cup of tea. Pretty boring. And weren't these one of the glasses that went on clearance a while ago? Or am I just nuts?
Also, there is a new post on the Daily Explorer:

Jamaa Mysteries — Sarepia Forest!

We all know that Jamaa is a magical land that is filled with fun and mystery, but did you know that all throughout Jamaa, some amazing things can happen when lots of Jammers gather together?
We recently heard reports of a “Mira”culous event that happens when Jammers dance around the campfire in Sarepia Forest
Or, click here to see it.

Ok, On to our next topic! Remember the party and maybe a contest I promised? Well, the contest won't be up for a few days, but I do have the details on the blog party! Here they are:

Blog Party

Where: katgoo449's den (We may be moving around)
When: Saturday October 6, 2012
Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Eastern, 8:00 am - 10:00 Pacific, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Central
(Let me know if you need your timezone translated)
Why: To celebrate over 1,000 pageviews!
Who can come: Anyone!
Note(s): There will be gift shops at the party!

And here are the poll results for the blog name so far:
Well, it looks like having a poll on the new blog name is in the lead so far! Five days left to vote Jammers! Go go go! And please vote on the two new polls!

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully I can make it to your party! I've missed EVERY SINGLE blog party that I've seen. :'(



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● No blackmailing
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● No begging or making false claims about someone
And please don't comment just to advertise your blog!
If you fail to do so, expect to face the wrath of THE GREEN GOBLIN!!!!! BWA HA HA HA!!!!! >:D

That is all. Tee hee hee! (^•ω•^)ノ