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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Round Glasses

Heyo! Today you can buy these nifty round glasses at Jam-Mart Furniture!
Yay! Non-member! :DDDDD
And the Daily Explorer Assignment! Experiencing writer's block? Look no further than...


 Why? You may ask. I'll tell ya why!


  There is a video on Golden Lion Tamarins you can watch! I suggest you do because you may learn a lot about them!

Here are a few screenshots I took !

Not very good but better than nothing, eh?

And here are seven eight fun facts about Golden Lion Tamarins!

  • They are a very endangered species, and there are only about 1,500 of them left in the wild!
  • It is common for the females to give birth to twins.
  • Golden Lion Tamarins are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat and vegetation. Their diets include fruit and insects.
  • Their main predators include cats, raptors and large snakes.
  • The oldest Golden Lion Tamarin lived until the age of 31!
  • Only about 50 percent of tamarin babies make it past the first year of their life. ;(
  • Despite the name, tamarins have more in common with monkeys than big cats.
They have sharp nails, making it very easy to climb trees

That's all for today! Bye!

~Katgoo449 (Banner unavalible)

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