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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Authors Needed!

Hey Jammers! Since school's started and I'm busy and all, I need a little help! Authors, I need authors!
Wanna become one? Read on!


DO NOT change anything on this blog (banner, pages, etc.) unless I give you permission.
DO NOT post more than five times a week! Hey, this isn't your blog!
YOU MUST have a blogger account to become and author, and I need your email!
DO NOT delete or edit any of my posts or publish any comments without my approval.
YOU MUST make a post introducing yourself.
DO NOT spam my blog with useless posts such as "Hey, I just got a bow and arrow!" Do not rub any mediocre accomplishments such as receiving a top hat or beta mask in anyone's face either. Nobody cares, and neither will I.
DO NOT post pictures of yourself in real life or give out any personal information! You're going to get yourself in deep trouble!
DO NOT decide the video of the week if I am unable to post on the weekends. You may nominate a video or display another one just for fun (hey that rhymes) but the final decision for the video of the week is up to me. 
DO NOT create a post just to advertise you blog or a friend's. You may put a link at the end of a post 
DO NOT make false scamming accusations about a certain Jammer without plenty of evidence.
YOU MUST have a signature, banner, or enlarged color signature at the end of your post. 
(signature credit to


Enlarged color signature:


DO NOT curse/cuss/swear or be racist or inappropriate. Do not upload inappropriate/vulgar videos/pictures/other content that is not suitable for all ages.
DO NOT answer questions on the Ask Katgoo449 page unless it is a true emergency.

Well, that's it. For now...

You ready?
Here is the form! Click me! ---> Click here <--- Click me!
If I choose you to become an AJF author, you will receive an invitation from! Hope I see a lot of great entries! And remember, if you don't become an author, be a good sport! Try again, and I might accept you next time!
See ya!

P.S.- If you have any questions feel free to email me or ask on the form!

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Hey! Wanna comment? Great! Just follow these simple rules!
● No blackmailing
● No cursing/cussing/swearing
● No being racist or inappropriate
● No begging or making false claims about someone
And please don't comment just to advertise your blog!
If you fail to do so, expect to face the wrath of THE GREEN GOBLIN!!!!! BWA HA HA HA!!!!! >:D

That is all. Tee hee hee! (^•ω•^)ノ