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Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sunflower Lamp and More

Hello Jammers! Today there is a new item in Jam-Mart Clothing, the Sunflower Lamp! Take a look:

Not much to say about it. Boring, but nice.
 And now, for the plaque mystery. A few days ago while I was on AJ I spotted a person with an AJ plaque for trade:
(The user has been blocked for privacy reasons)
Now you may wonder, How did they get this plaque?
The truth is, I don't know. It may have been from the AJ news article contest but I doubt it and no one knows for sure. Oh, and here are a few more plaque photos!

(Top picture credit to Animal Jam Fire, middle picture credit to Animal Jam Spirit Blog)

1 comment:

  1. I know where you get the plaques! You get them if you win contests (Exept the Newscrew one)! Like there are difrent plaques for differnt Contests, There is a Howl plaque (If you Howl gets submitted), There is A Art Plaque (If you Art gets submitted), And there are Many more, I just cant think of them right now :P. But, I hope this helped! :)


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