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Sunday, August 19, 2012

New Rainbow Scales

Hey Jammers! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, its just that my mom said that now that summer is over, I am only allowed on animal jam during the weekends ;(. Well anyway, let's get to our new item of the day, Rainbow Scales!

Pretty....... I already bought one, did you? Well of course not, silly because you didn't hear of it until now! Lol jk.
Oh, and I wanted to let you know that Kinyonga is having a contest! Click here to enter her contest, and be sure to get your answers in before August 23rd and spread the word about it!

                                   BUT WAIT!
Before you go, here's a little segment I like to call,

                                               PLUSH RUSH!
What the cheetos is this? you may ask. Well, I'll explain.
Each week usually on a Saturday or Sunday, I will put up an animal jam related question at the end of my usual post (Don't worry, I won't make it too hard). You must comment with the correct answer within eleven hours of the time the post was published, and I'll randomly draw the names of whoever gets it right. The winner will receive a mystery rare plush, a great opportunity for plushie collectors to expand their collection! Want to enter? Well, here's your chance!
The question is.......

When did animal jam come out of beta testing? (date, month and year)

This post was created at 10:00 a.m Eastern Time., so you have until 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time to enter! Chow! Don't forget to enter Kinyonga's contest!


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That is all. Tee hee hee! (^•ω•^)ノ