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Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Rare and Shaman Focus

Hey there Jammers! Today's Monday rare is the rare coral necklace, sold in Bahari Bargains:

It looks really pretty, but a little too pricey for a necklace, don't you think?
Anyways, today I'm going to add a little something extra to this post, Shaman Focus!
This week's shaman focus is Greely!

Here is Greely's biography:
Greely, the reluctant wolf Shaman, puts his creepy cleverness to use in the study of animal magic. He is definitely on the side of good and righteousness, but he plays by his own rules. He speaks in to-the-point sentences, even to new animals, and has a certain amount of disdain for the other Shaman leaders. The only higher power that Greely respects is the Sky Mother, Mira. Greely is a powerful warrior against the phantoms in Animal Jam; they fear him most of all, because he is so much like them. He is the link to the darker side of the Animal Jam mythology. He has theories about where the phantoms came from and he may even know the location of a few undiscovered spirit stones. ~Ancient AJ Legend

(Picture and biography credit to snowyclaw's animal jam spirit blog)

*Has a dark history
*On the side of good and righteousness

None unfortunately


(Picture credit to snowyclaw's animal jam spirit blog)

Many people, including I, suspect that this you see, is not just a carving. It could be an entrance to the house/den/lair of Greely. but how do you think it would open? Is there a trap door?  What do you think is inside? Since Greely studies magic, don't you think his house/den/lair would be filled with jars of magic potions, herbs, books, and charms? Do you think he would be a cheesy old wizard with a phony wizard hat (Don't get me wrong, the wizard hat clothing item is epic!) casting fake spells and curses on people, going around acting like he can fix or heal anything but he really can't? I don't think so. Do you think he would be a wise, humble sorcerer that rarely uses his powers, only in times of need? Do you think that's the reason why he is so impersonal? Do you think he has the blood and strength of the phantoms within him? Do you think his den is instead filled with shields, swords, war books, phantom replicas, and war poems? Do you think he's more of a warrior than anything? Do you think that he lives to battle the phantoms, or that he is only brave and fights them when it is completely necessary? Do you think Greely is completely pure, or has a spark of darkness within him?
Do you think he frowns upon endless fighting, or deems it essential to settle disputes? Most importantly, what do you think of Greely? Why do you think I'm asking so amy questions? Why do you think I'm to lazy to put up my author banner? Ok, I'm done.

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