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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

New Stegosaurus Armor and Dinosaur Facts

Heyo Jammers! Today's new item is the Stegosaurus armor, sold at the Summer Carnival:
these item seems pretty radial and unique to me! I hope stegosaurus tail armor comes out next! Speaking of dinosaurs, I'd thought I'd like to throw a couple facts about them:

1. Scientists believe that the dumbest dinosaur there was the stegosaurus,  partly because its brain was very small compared to the mass of its body.
2. Dinosaurs lived at about the same time as the first mammals did.
3. Some dinosaurs may have actually been warm-blooded.
4. The word dinosaur means "terrible lizard" in the Greek language.
5The first discovery of dinosaur remains in North America was made in 1854 by Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden during his exploration of the upper Missouri River. He discovered a small collection of teeth which were later described by Joseph Leidy in 1856 as belonging to Trachodon, Troodon, and Deinodon. ~Copied directly from
6. The longest dinosaur is the Seismosaurus, measuring over 40 meters tall.
7. he dinosaur with the longest name was Micropachycephalosaurus meaning "tiny thick-headed lizard". Its fossils have been found in China, and it was named in 1978 by the Chinese palaeontologist Dong.~Copied directly from
Well, that's all I have time for Jammers! Katgoo449, out!

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