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Friday, August 10, 2012

New Items and Glitch 50TH POST!!!!

Hi there Jammers! Today's new item can be found it Jam-Mart Clothing:
Pretty nature themed, awesome, not too overpriced. Just one problem. It'm members only as usual :I

But wait! There is another item in stores for you today! Sold at Epic Wonders, it is:
I guess it looks ok, but it's for members only :(

And here is a random glitch I spotted while I was at Epic Wonders:
If only I knew how -sighs-

But before you go, I would like to list a few cacti breeds for no apparent reason :P

Triangle Cactus           Scientific name: Ancanthocereus tetragonus
Graham's Fishhook cactus    Scientific name: Mammillaria grahamii
Cob Cactus      Scientific name: Coryphantha tuberculosa
Texas Rainbow Cactus   Scientific name: Echinocereus dasyacanthus
Lady-Finger Cactus    Scientific name: Echinocereus pentalophus

Asta Lavista!
(I'm not even sure if I spelled that correctly)


1 comment:

  1. Hello! Just to say everyone I am having a contest on the Animal Jam Times. Here is the URL:

    So it would be great if you could enter! The Qs will be up tomorrow. Also please post on your blog that I am having a contest. Thanks!


    P.S If you want to know how to do that glitch go to my blog and click on my videos page there is a vid of it one there.


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