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Monday, June 4, 2012

A Very Short Post

Heyo Jammers (again!) I'm making this post to thank this blog's first follower, Herper! I hope more people can follow us also! But that's not all. I'm thinking about switching to a new username in October. What do you guys think? Do you think I should change my username or stay with katgoo449? If so, tht what do you think it should be? Please let me know in the comments! Also, please let me know what I should do to make this blog more enjoyable! Thanks!
P.S.- The post about new stuff is below
P.S.S.- The mini-blog I was planning to make might not come out for a while and I might change the name of it!
P.S.S.S- I'm making a music video, and I might post it on YouTube, so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Go to the "Search Description" in "Settings" and fill out whatever you want your blog to pop out at. Mine is "The Daily Gem Bonus" The other two, there just my friend's blog I'm getting started with glitching with them! XD


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