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Sunday, June 17, 2012

New Item and Really Sorry Jammers!!

Hello Jammers! Katgoo449 here! Today there is a new Pufferfish Helmet at Bahari Bargains:
Here's how they look on an octopus:
Looks epic, right? Sorry guys for not posting though, I've just been very busy with summer camp and all that! Oh, and the contest were you could win a peach fox hat, it has been re-canceled, sorry! Don't worry, another contest will be posted  very soon in a new contets page so it is eaiser to find! Please comment with some ideas on what kind of contest this should be! (find it contest, riddle, etc.)


  1. Woah, it looks so cool! And don't worry, I forgive you for not posting, I can understand how hard life can be.


  2. ikr :P. I have a busy summer camp too :P

    ~Mia776 (I don't think anyone ehre knows me or about me) :)


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That is all. Tee hee hee! (^•ω•^)ノ