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Friday, June 8, 2012

Animal Jam Update

Hey Jammers! Here is the updated newspaper:
Hummingbird pets are here! But sadly you have to pay real money to get them ;(
Awesome! A pet contest! Will you enter?
Soon, in two weeks, penguins will be avalible for non-members, and now we have more den item slots in our den inventories!
AJHQ put "rare" golden tags on items that are popular in Jamaa this week, hmm...

And everything in your inventory now looks 3D-ish. I don't like this change though, looks kinda weird.

Plus, today I found a Jammer with a rare Elf Hat on trade, when it was never released for Rare Mondays!

See! The one you can buy in stores looks like this:

This could be a future Monday Rare itme, who knows!
A post on the Summer Carnival is coming soon, and yes, I know I forgot that page!
And thank you so much Bigcatsfoever for following my blog! You are a nice Jammer!


  1. Actually, the Rare Elf Helmet was released. It was released at the Leap Year Party!


  2. I sloved the problem about the elf helmet thing!I have a green one that has the rare sign and it was not reasled in rare monday but it was selling at the leap year party! And all of thoses items had rare in it so AJHQ might of had put the rare signs on them!

  3. hmm pool54321 bigcats said the same thing you said


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