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Sunday, June 10, 2012

New Items and Monday Rare Mistake

Hiya Jammers! Today there is a new item in Bahari Bargains:
It's new all right, and rather pricey too, especially for such a tiny little thing. There is also a new Sun Visor in Jam-Mart Clothing:
This item was actually from yesterday, but I never got around to posting about it, sorry!  Oh, and the Elf Helmet that a thought was an unrealesed Monday Rare, turns out I was misinformed, oopsies! ^.^ It was actually from the Leap Year party!  I was around at that time, but I never seemed to notice it there. Thank you to bigcatsfoever and pool54321 informing me about it in a comment! Thanks guys! Oh, and I want to thank my two new followers, pool54321 and Natalie Willard. Toodles!

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