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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Halloween is COMING!

Hiya! Today there are two returning halloween rares in stores!
The first is the creature mask sold in Jam-Mart furniture:
But what's this?! The beta color of the creature mask has returned? Even more epic!
But I feel extremely bad for the poor jammers who had or had traded for this weeks before. :(
And in Jam-Mart clothing, we have the Evil Pumpkin!
A neat addition for a a spooky den, huh?
And don't forget about the party coming up on Saturday! Once again, here are the details:

Blog Party

Where: katgoo449's den (We may be moving around)
When: Saturday October 6, 2012
Time: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Eastern, 8:00 am - 10:00 Pacific, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Central 
(Let me know if you need your timezone translated) 
Why: To celebrate over 1,000 pageviews!
Who can come: Anyone!
Note(s): There will be gift shops at the party!

Plus, on Friday, I have a few cool pictures to show you guys! And that's all for today! Sayanara! (That's how you spell it, right? I didn't think so.)

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