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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freedom Party, New Items, Glitch and Scammer!

Have you been to the all-new Freedom party? Well it looks like this:

 Its quite small but its pretty snazzy with the aweome fireworks, people hanging out, shops and all that!

Speaking of shops, there are two of them here, a clothing and den item shop! Here is the clothing shop:

And here is what they sell:

Epic, huh? (The lion hat is new today)

Here is how the den item shop looks like:

And here is what they sell:

I love these colorful, unique fireworks! A little overpriced though, don't you think? (The wolf fireworks are new today)

If you click on the fireworks decoration by the Freedom Shop, you'll get a sparkler by your animal!
(Excuse the vomitting penguin)

And if you click on the fireworks by the clothing shop, you'll get mini exploding fireworks next to your animal!

And today, while I was in my castle den, this odd glitch randomly appeared while I was walking downstairs!

What the.....? Has this weird glitch happened to you jammers?

Oh, and today, while at a trading party, I caught a scammer on tape! (I'll explain the whole story later)
Her user is:
Make sure to report roxy07762 for scamming! (I'll try to get the video posted on youtube ASAP!)
Well, happy Fourth of July jammers! See ya!
Have a nice, rice, fireworkces day! (See what I did there?)


  1. omgshe my friend. ill erase her ASAP.

  2. Thats glitch happened to me!

  3. That glitch happened to me before with my snow machine...
    Also, have you seen the glitch where you're in edit mode with your den, but it doesn't let you edit? It's happened to me...


    1. @Doomy P. and others
      It's pretty annoying right? And no Doomy, that glitch has never happend to me before....-phew-
      ~katgoo449 the wizard/KittyinBowTie


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