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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Lots Of New Stuff!

I'm really sorry jammers, but from now on I will have to report all the latest news to you on the weekend because my mom won't let me go on animal jam on the weekdays :(. Well here are some new stuff you may find, from today or a few days ago:
Today there is a new panda hat at the clothing shop
There is also this new seaweed thingy at the underwater furniture shop;
A few days ago, this new silver brick came out at Epic Wonders;
And I FINALLY got a picture of the clearance items:

Also, a few days ago, the train set was re-realesed:
And I was extremly lucky, and got to meet snowyclaw, the creator of animaljamspiritguide.blogspot,com while i was on my storage account!

As you can see, I'm hanging with snowy!! lol :) By the way, thank you for the 100 views!!! This is a big achievement for me, and to celebrate I'm thorwing a big party at Coral Canyons on Saturday, April  28 at 12:30- 1:30 aj time on the server draa! Don't forget and have lots of fun!See you there!

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